Shijiazhuang Yuncang Water Technology Corporation Limited

The application of PAC in the Papermaking Industry

Polyaluminum Chloride (PAC) is an essential chemical in the papermaking industry, playing a pivotal role in various stages of the papermaking process. PAC is a coagulant primarily used to enhance the retention of fine particles, fillers, and fibers, thereby improving the overall efficiency and quality of paper production.

Coagulation and Flocculation

The primary function of PAC in papermaking is its coagulation and flocculation properties. During the papermaking process, water is mixed with cellulose fibers to form a slurry. This slurry contains a significant amount of fine particles and dissolved organic substances that need to be removed to produce high-quality paper. PAC, when added to the slurry, neutralizes the negative charges on the suspended particles, causing them to clump together into larger aggregates or flocs. This process significantly aids in the removal of these fine particles during the drainage process, resulting in clearer water and improved fiber retention.

Enhanced Retention and Drainage

Retention of fibers and fillers is crucial in papermaking as it directly impacts the paper’s strength, texture, and overall quality. PAC improves the retention of these materials by forming larger flocs that can be easily retained on the paper machine wire. This not only enhances the strength and quality of the paper but also reduces the amount of raw material loss, leading to cost savings. Furthermore, improved drainage facilitated by PAC reduces the water content in the paper sheet, thereby reducing the energy required for drying and enhancing the overall efficiency of the papermaking process.

Improvement of Paper Quality

The application of PAC in papermaking contributes significantly to the improvement of paper quality. By enhancing the retention of fines and fillers, PAC helps in producing paper with better formation, uniformity, and surface properties. This leads to improved printability, smoothness, and overall appearance of the paper, making it more suitable for high-quality printing and packaging applications.

Reduction of BOD and COD in Papermaking Wastewater Treatment

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) are measures of the amount of organic matter present in the wastewater generated by the papermaking process. High levels of BOD and COD indicate a high level of pollution, which can be detrimental to the environment. PAC effectively reduces BOD and COD levels by coagulating and removing organic contaminants from the wastewater. This not only helps in meeting environmental regulations but also reduces the treatment costs associated with wastewater management.

In summary, polyaluminum chloride is a vital additive in the papermaking industry, offering multiple benefits that enhance the efficiency of the papermaking process and the quality of the final product. Its roles in coagulation and flocculation, enhanced retention and drainage, reduction of BOD and COD, and overall improvement of paper quality make it an indispensable component in modern papermaking.

PAC for Papermaking

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  • Post time: May-30-2024