Shijiazhuang Yuncang Water Technology Corporation Limited

My pool is cloudy. How do I fix it?

It is not uncommon for the pool to become cloudy overnight. This problem may appear gradually after a pool party or quickly after a heavy rain. The degree of turbidity may vary, but one thing is certain – there is a problem with your pool.

Why does the pool water become cloudy?

Usually at this time, there are too many fine particles in the pool water. This may be caused by dust, algae, mud, algae and other substances. These substances are small and light, have a negative charge, and cannot sink to the bottom of the water.

1. Poor filtration

If the filter is not working properly, the tiny substances in the water cannot be completely removed through circulation.Check the sand tank, if the gauge pressure is too high, backwash. If the effect is still poor after backwashing, then you need to replace the filter sand.

It is necessary to clean and maintain the filter regularly and keep the pool circulation system.

2. Inadequate Disinfection

① Insufficient chlorine content

Sunlight and swimmers will consumpt free chlorine. When the free chlorine content in the pool is low, algae and bacteria will be generated to make the water cloudy.

Test the free chlorine level and the combined chlorine level regularly (once in the morning, noon and evening every day) and add chlorine disinfectant to increase the chlorine content of the pool water if the free chlorine level is lower than 1.0 ppm.

② Polluted Pool

Swimmers’ hair care products, body oils, sunscreens, cosmetics, and even urine enter the swimming pool, increasing the content of combined chlorine. After a heavy rain, rainwater and ground mud are washed into the swimming pool, making the water more turbid.

3. Calcium Hardness

Of course, don’t forget another important indicator, “calcium hardness”. When the calcium hardness is high, and the pH and total alkalinity are also high, the excess calcium ions in the water will precipitate, causing scaling. The precipitated calcium will adhere to the accessories, pool walls, and even filters and pipes. This situation is rare, but it does happen.


How to clean a swimming pool:

pH Value: You must first determine the pH value of the pool water. Adjust the pH value to between 7.2-7.8.

② Clean the floating objects in the water, and use the pool cleaning robot to absorb and remove the debris after scrubbing the pool wall and bottom.

Chlorine shock: Shock with enough sodium dichloroisocyanurate particles to kill algae and microorganisms in the water. In general, 10 ppm of free chlorine is enough.

Flocculation: Add pool flocculant to coagulate and settle the killed algae and impurities in the pool water to the bottom of the pool.

⑤ Use the pool cleaning robot to absorb and remove impurities settled to the bottom of the pool.

⑥ After cleaning, wait for the free chlorine to drop to the normal range, and then retest the pool chemical level. Adjust the pH value, available chlorine content, calcium hardness, total alkalinity, etc. to the specified range.

⑦ Add algaecide. Add an algaecide suitable for your pool to prevent algae from growing again.

Please keep your pool chemical balance tested to avoid such a hassle and time-consuming operation. The correct frequency of pool maintenance will not only save you time and money, but also keep your pool suitable for swimming all year round.

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  • Post time: Aug-01-2024