NADCC Tablets for Sater Treatment
NaDCC, also known as sodium dichloroisocyanurate, is a form of chlorine used for disinfection. It is typically used to treat large quantities of water in emergencies, but can also be used for domestic water treatment. Tablets are available with different NaDCC contents to handle different volumes of water at one time. They are usually instant-dissolving, with smaller tablets dissolving in less than a minute.

How does it remove pollution?
When added to water, NaDCC tablets release hypochlorous acid, which reacts with microorganisms through oxidation and kills them. Three things happen when chlorine is added to water:
Some chlorine reacts with organic matter and pathogens in the water through oxidation and kills them. This part is called consumed chlorine.
Some chlorine reacts with other organic matter, ammonia, and iron to form new chlorine compounds. This is called combined chlorine.
Excess chlorine remains in the water unconsumed or unbound. This portion is called free chlorine (FC). FC is the most effective form of chlorine for disinfection (especially of viruses) and helps prevent recontamination of treated water.
Each product should have its own instructions for correct dosage. Generally speaking, users follow product instructions to add the correct size tablets for the amount of water to be treated. The water is then stirred and left for the time indicated, usually 30 minutes (contact time). Thereafter, the water is disinfected and ready for use.
Chlorine effectiveness is affected by turbidity, organic matter, ammonia, temperature and pH. Cloudy water should be filtered or allowed to settle before adding chlorine. These processes will remove some suspended particles and improve the reaction between chlorine and pathogens.
Source Water Requirements
low turbidity
pH between 5.5 and 7.5; disinfection is unreliable above pH 9
Products should be protected from extreme temperatures or high humidity
Tablets should be stored away from children
Dosage Rate
Tablets are available with different NaDCC contents to handle different volumes of water at one time. We can customize tablets according to your needs
Time to Treat
Recommendation: 30 minutes
Minimum contact time depends on factors such as pH and temperature.