Shijiazhuang Yuncang Water Technology Corporation Limited


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Shijiazhuang Yuncang Water Technology Corporation Limited is one of the leading groups in China, which is specialized in producing and supplying pool chemicals and other water treatment chemicals for over 12 years. With over 27 years in the line of water chemicals international trading, and 15 years of field maintaining experience in swimming pool and industrial water treatment, we are dedicated to providing total line water chemicals and technical backup solutions.

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  • Managing a pool entails numerous challenges, and one of the primary concerns for pool owners, alongside cost considerations, revolves around maintaining proper chemical balance. Achieving and sustaining this balance is no easy feat, but with regular testing and a comprehensive understanding of ea...
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  • 05-09

    What is cyanuric acid used for?

    Managing a pool entails numerous challenges, and one of the primary concerns for pool owners, alongside cost considerations, revolves around maintaining proper chemical balance. Achieving and sustaining this balance is no easy feat, but with regular testing and a comprehensive understanding of each chemical’s function, it becomes a more manageable task. Cyanuric acid (CYA), often recogniz...
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  • 05-08

    What is the role of Polyaluminum Chloride in aquaculture?

    The aquatic industry has relatively high requirements for water quality, so various organic matter and pollutants in the aquaculture water need to be treated in a timely manner. The most common treatment method currently is to purify water quality through Flocculants. In the sewage produced by the aquaculture industry, there are few types of pollutants, small changes in content, and low oxygen ...
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  • 05-07

    Algicides: Guardians of water quality

    Have you ever been by your pool and noticed that the water has turned cloudy, with a tinge of green? Or do you feel the pool walls are slippery while swimming? These problems are all related to the growth of algae. In order to maintain the clarity and health of water quality, Algicides (or algaecides) have become an indispensable tool. This article will provide an in-depth understanding of all ...
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  • 04-30

    Is PolyDADMAC toxic: Unveil its mystery ?

    PolyDADMAC, a seemingly complex and mysterious chemical name, is actually an integral part of our daily lives. As a representative of polymer chemicals, PolyDADMAC is widely used in many fields. However, do you really understand its chemical properties, product form, and toxicity? Next, this article will give you an in-depth understanding of PolyDADMAC. The chemical properties of PolyDADMAC det...
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